Planned Housing Production Plan, Town of Amesbury

Creation of State Mandated Housing Production Plan with Site Specific Redevelopment Assessments
Town of Amesbury, Client

Retained by the Town of Amesbury, Oxbow Partners completed the state mandated housing “Planned Production” assessment which identified the various housing needs given existing demographics, the existing housing stock, identification of potential affordable housing sites as well as a strategy to raise awareness and increase the implementation of the plan. The ultimate goal is to comply with the State threshold whereby 10% of the Town’s housing units are deemed affordable and included in DHCD’s Subsidized Housing Inventory (SHI).

In addition, specific development feasibility assessments were completed on 3 parcels identifying the physical and financial challenges of code compliance, the cost of new construction and the level of financial commitment that would be necessary from the Town to realize the redevelopment of these key parcels.
